Responsive website matching personal trainers with clients
Project summary
The problem, the solution and my role

The goal of this project was to design a website that helps users find a personal trainer that matches their needs.

Train.me is a responsive website with an intuitive path to matching with a certified trainer based on personal training preferences, trainer’s personality, and client’s individual characteristics through a short quiz.

As a UX designer, I followed the design thinking process and designed the website from conception to delivery. Collaborating with Lorelaj (a kinesiology student) in user research ensured the data dollected was relevant and geared towards solving the design problem.


User research
Paper wireframes
Digital wireframes
Lo-fi prototype
Usability study
Hi-fi prototype

Adobe XD
Google Forms

Lorelaj Lukačin- psychometric data analyst & kinesiology student
Goal statement
Train.me will help users find a personal trainer suited to their needs which will affect anyone looking to improve their physical ability by matching them with a trainer through a simple user path.
Target users
Persons between 18 and 60 years of age in the Zagreb capital area looking for a personal trainer.
Sometimes choosing a show on Netflix can seem like a daunting task, so how should you go about finding a trainer? To understand how the target audience (adults in the Zagreb capital area) approach this task, quantitative and qualitative user research was conducted.
Quantitative research
Questionnaire including clients and trainers
The first part of user research was a questionnaire aimed at gathering data on motivation and pain points of users in finding a personal trainer. The questionnaire also included attitudes towards trainers’ education and ways in which they found (or are looking for) a trainer.

Based on responses from 136 participants, key findings were:

75% of participants think it’s important for a trainer to be certified

Most common pain points and motivations when looking for a personal trainer:
Pain points
Finding a trainer that fits my needs
Lack of knowledge about training
Additional improvement in a specific sports activity
Lack of motivation
Users rely on personal recommendations and social media to find a trainer and feel that finding a trainer that fits their needs, price and location are the biggest challenges they face when looking for a trainer.
Qualitative research
User interviews
To get a deeper understanding of the target audience, six participants were interviewed. All participants had a personal trainer and the average duration of each interview was 20-30 minutes. Based on transcript analysis, these insights were identified:
All participants stated that character fit is a crucial part of choosing a trainer.
Almost all participants have a history of injury or a disease that could affect their training.
Most participants would have more trust in a certified trainer.
Most participants think prices aren’t transparent enough and can’t estimate the price range for personal training.
Who are we designing it for?
User motivations and pain points were summarized to create personas that represent a wider user group's needs and pain points. All information gathered during the empathize phase led to defining the problem statement.
Problem statement
Adults in Zagreb capital region need a way to find a certified trainer that fits their needs, personal characteristics, and limitations who will help them reach their health and fitness goals.
Included a competitive audit and a sitemap.
Competitive audit
What are the others doing?
Focusing on Zagreb capital area, both direct and indirect competitors were analyzed. Simplified analysis and key gaps and opportunities are showcased below.
Starofservice Altis Fitzone Coach4you Fitnesstrainer
Competitor type Direct Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect
Business size Large Medium Medium Large Large
First impression Good Good Outstanding Good Outstanding
Features Good Outstanding Good Okay Outstanding
Accessibility Needs work Good Needs work Good Needs work
User flow Needs work Outstanding Good Good Outstanding
Navigation Good Outstanding Outstanding Good Outstanding
Brand identity Outstanding Good Outstanding Good Good
Descriptiveness Outstanding Good Good Okay Outstanding
There is a need for an intuitive and simple way to find a trainer suited for a specific client.
Build a simple user flow to find a trainer.
Some competitors don’t guarantee trainers are educated in their field.
Add background checks for the trainers to ensure users are connected to a certified trainer.
Competitors have limited accessibility.
Add multiple language options and make the website appropriate for assistive technology.
Overview of Train.me webpage, including main call to actions (CTAs) for clear communication to the stakeholders.
Train.me sitemap image
Prototype & Test
Designing the website starting with paper and digital wireframes, lo-fi prototype and usability testing which guided design iterations and led to mockups and a hi-fi prototype.
Paper wireframes
Several versions of key screens were drafted. Then, selected features were incorporated into final paper wireframes for web and mobile.
Digital wireframes
Finalized paper wireframes were translated to digital wireframes (both web and mobile size). Web wireframes were made into a low-fiedelity prototype
Web digital wireframeMobile digital wireframe
Lo-fi prototype
Usability study
How do users interact with the design?
Unmoderated usability study with 14 participants was conducted using Maze. Heatmaps showed that participants followed the wanted user path and used CTAs as intended (missclick rate was very low).
Trainer profile - heatmapTrainers picker - heatmap
Themes & Insights
Theme: Most users expect to be able to choose only 1 answer on quiz questions
Insight: Users need questions to be set at 1 answer only
Theme: Animations between question screens are disorienting to some users
Insight: Users need a less animated way of transitioning between questions
Visual design
How will the website look?
A simple typeface and color palette was selected, making sure to keep text legible and accessible to everyone. The overall style of components is kept angular and sharp.
TypographyColor palette, logo and buttons
Mockups & High fidelity prototype
How will the website feel?
Taking usability study insights into account, iterations were made and mockups were connected to create a high fidelity prototype.
Trainer quiz - mockup
Trainer matching quiz pages
To reduce the number of clicks and screen animations, instead of having one question per page, multiple questions were grouped on a page and a stepper was added.
Trainer quiz - high fidelity prototype
Trainer’s primary sport activity was moved from chips to the subheader, making more room for the description.
Trainer profile - mockup
Trainer profile - high fidelity prototype
Homepage mockups - web and mobile
Homepage web mockupHomepage mobile mockup
How does the product meet users’ needs?
User study findings
All users stated that character fit is a crucial part of choosing a trainer.
Find a trainer that fits your character.
Include trainer personality preferences in the “Find your trainer” quiz.
Solution 1
All users rely on recommendations from others when finding a trainer.
Choose a trainer recommended by other clients.
Include reviews in trainer’s profile.
Solution 1
Most users don’t know what price range to expect for personal trainers.
Compare prices of different trainers.
Make starting prices transparent.
Solution 1
Most users have more trust in a certified trainer.
Find a trustworthy trainer.
Background checks for all trainers.
Solution 1
What did I learn?
“People trust other people.”
No matter how advanced technology gets, people have an innate drive to trust and follow what other people are doing and thinking. Including social proof (like reviews, likes, and comments) in our products bridges the gap between technology and this very human need. It’s a valuable reminder that products should be designed for humans as they are, and understanding them is the first step.